Say It With Sound: Hum, Harmonize and Heal

Say It With Sound: Hum, Harmonize and Heal introduces Ototoning as an innovative self-healing technique. Dorinne Davis Discusses this new method and how it can be used to help you become a more well-adjusted, stable and stonger person. She further explains the practice, value and benefits of Ototoning to achieve your personal harmonic sound balance. With a few simple skills you can learn how to Hum, Harmonize and Heal yourself thoughout your day simply if you Say It With Sound.
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The Cycle of Sound: A Missing Energetic Link

Dorinne Davis, in The Cycle of Sound: A Missing Energetic Link brings the use of sound, vibration and energy to a new level. Her Davis Model of Sound Intervention℠ is introduced as a model for the 21st century to discover how by balancing the personal sound vibrations of each person, one supports their overall learning, development and wellness challenges. A previously unidentified subtle energy system is introduced entitled The Voice-Ear-Brain Connection, which once balanced, allows each person to ‘hear’ what their body says it wants in that moment in time to feel better. The process supports a way for the body to begin a ‘self-healing’ approach towards feeling better, thinking more clearly, processing what is said better, feeling more alive, moving with more ease and less pain, communicating better, and so much more.
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Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy

Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy details how sound-based therapies play an instrumental role in the successful treatment of the symptoms related to autism, apraxia, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, hyperlexia, Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), and learning disorders, and is a guide toward achieving one's maximal potential for development and wellness. Despite years of practice and the evolution of various versions of sound therapies, the quintessential missing element has been the lack of a set protocol to follow. By distinguishing the differences between sound therapies, Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy sets the framework for the application of an effective therapeutic program.
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Every Day A Miracle

Every Day A Miracle: Success Stories with Sound Therapy is a sequel to Davis’ Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy. Building upon the diagnostic assessment that Davis introduced in her first book, Every Day a Miracle: Success Stories with Sound Therapy includes interviews of 16 of her clients. Parents of children with diagnoses of autism, AD/HD, dyslexia, OCD, and more share heartwarming stories of the positive changes received from their experience with sound-based therapies. Adults also relate how sound-based therapies improved their lives. The reader will identify with the gratifying emotional responses, the positive changes in development, and the enhancement in personal growth.
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Other Books

Otitis Media: Coping with the Effects in the Classroom, and A Parent's Guide to Middle Ear Infections are both authored by Ms. Davis. Additional publications include a chapter on Television Amplification Devices in "Communication Access for Persons with Hearing Loss", edited by Mark Ross.